Bukiwaza New Edition reviews.
Reviewer: Andreas Wiemann
Ethan Weisgard has made his profound knowledge of Aiki Ken and Aiki Jo available to all beginners and advanced students in this reference book.
His book BUKIWAZA serves as an indispensable reference point for me when dealing with the Bukiwaza heritage of Morihiro Saito Sensei.
In my view, this standard work is the undisputed benchmark for any English-language book on the subject.
Andreas Wiemann
Reviewer: Raúl Pérez Gómez
“Thank you Ethan Sensei for this great and beautiful book. All the knowledge you are passing us from Saito Sensei and from your own experience through this printed jewel has no price.
Either advance, either beginners in Aikido, will find out in your book a great reference for practicing and for learning the principles behind the techniques. The book has been written with extensive explanations, but in an easy way to understand.
It is also recommended for people like me, interested in becoming an instructor, since every technical detail is carefully described in steps that could be easily used when preparing your classes.
It also contains many glossary descriptions and Japanese terms and lots of pictures and diagrams that help visualizing the techniques.
Raúl Pérez Gómez
2nd Kyu Takemusu Aikido”
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Reviewer: Wouter Wilschut, Holland.
“These books should become available to a much larger audience, through all major/better bookstores!
These volumes include the weapons techniques which are also to be found in M. Saito Sensei’s Traditional Aikido book series. Because the volumes from Saito Sensei are out of print (and are only
available through a very expensive second-hand book market), the new generation of Aikidoka won’t be able to get hold of these essential books.
These new books by Weisgard Sensei fill this gap. Even more, these two books by Weisgard Sensei breathe the spirit of Aikido on their own; beautiful and clear lay-out, good quality binding and paper, all colour-pictures. The comments on the techniques are very clear and precise and very useful. I consider these volumes to be of the same value as the original books from Saito
Sensei (and of course the books from the Doshu and other technical classics like those from C. Tissier Sensei for example) in anyone’s Aikido study; invaluable, indispensable! It is an honour for me writing here.
Get yourself a copy, you won’t regret it!
Wouter Wilschut
Reviewer: Christian Taschner, Germany.
“The last few years I was always looking for literature or films about Bukiwaza and it is impossible to get something about Bukiwaza what is so completely made like your set; The explanations and the pictures can be easily understood. What I Iike most is that the background of the pictures is white. It makes it very easy to see the details. Thank you for creating these great books!”
Yours in Aiki, Christian Taschner.
Reviewer: Stanley Pranin. Aikido Journal.
We recently received copies of the two volumes of this new book series on the Aiki Ken and Aiki Jo by Ethan Weisgard of Denmark. They are lovely hard-bound books with all color technical photos.
Very well done and recommended!
RIP Stanley Pranin. Aikido Journal.
Reviewer: Hans Lindholm, Aikidostore.com
“A very fine books series, with the entire Aiki Ken and Aiki Jo repertoire included.
The books are carefully bound and very exclusive in their appearance.
They will last through many hours of study either at home or in the dojo. The forewords are written by Paolo Corallini and Ulf Evenås, the two 7th Dan top representatives of Morihiro Saito Sensei.
Ethan Weisgard describes the different movements in a very pedogogical manner. Everyone, beginners as well as advanced practitioners will get great enjoyment from these books.”
Hans Lindholm, Aikidostore.com